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thing entered

  • 1 entry

    plural - entries; noun
    1) ((an) act of coming in or going in: They were silenced by the entry of the headmaster.) entrada
    2) (the right to enter: We can't go in - the sign says `No Entry'.) entrada
    3) (place of entrance, especially a passage or small entrance hall: Don't bring your bike in here - leave it in the entry.) entrada
    4) (a person or thing entered for a competition etc: There are forty-five entries for the painting competition.) participante
    5) (something written in a list in a book etc: Some of the entries in the cash-book are inaccurate.) registro
    entry n entrada
    "No Entry" "Prohibida la entrada" / "Prohibido el paso" entry es también cualquier cosa que se presente a un concurso
    1 (entrance) entrada; (joining) ingreso
    2 (right to enter) admisión nombre femenino, acceso
    3 SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL (door, gate) puerta, entrada
    4 (item in accounts) entrada, asiento; (in diary) anotación nombre femenino, entrada; (in dictionary) entrada
    how many entries are there for the race? ¿cuántos participantes hay en la carrera?
    'No entry' (traffic) "Dirección prohibida" 2 (people) "Prohibido el paso" 3 (on door) "Prohibida la entrada"
    to force an entry allanar la morada
    entry fee inscripción nombre femenino, cuota
    entry form formulario de inscripción
    entry ['ɛntri] n, pl - tries
    1) entrance: entrada f
    2) notation: entrada f, anotación f
    registro (Informática) s.m.
    apunte s.m.
    artículo s.m.
    bocacalle s.f.
    data s.f.
    entrada s.f.
    ingreso s.m.
    participación s.f.
    participante s.m.,f.
    1) u (coming, going in) entrada f

    entry INTO somethingentrada en or (esp AmL) a algo

    2) u ( access) entrada f, acceso m

    no entry — ( on door) prohibida la entrada; ( on road sign) prohibido el paso

    to refuse somebody entry — negarle* la entrada or la admisión a alguien

    3) c u
    a) ( in accounts) entrada f, asiento m
    b) ( in diary) anotación f, entrada f
    c) ( in dictionary - headword) entrada f; ( in encyclopedia - article) artículo m
    4) c ( in contest) ( person entered) participante mf; ( thing entered)
    5) c (door, gate) (AmE) entrada f
    1. N
    1) (=entrance)
    a) (=act of entering) (into organization) entrada f ( into en); (into profession) ingreso m ( into en); (=access) acceso m ( into a)

    no entry — prohibida la entrada; (Aut) prohibido el paso

    he gained entry to the house by breaking a window — consiguió entrar en la casa rompiendo una ventana

    they opposed France's entry into the war — se opusieron a que Francia entrara en la guerra

    to make one's entry — hacer su entrada

    point of entry — (into country) punto m de entrada

    port of entry — puerto m de entrada

    b) (=doorway, hall) entrada f
    2) (=sth recorded) (in diary) anotación f, apunte m ; (in account) entrada f, partida f, rubro m (LAm); (in record, ship's log) entrada f, apunte m ; (in reference book) entrada f
    3) (in competition) (=total of competitors) participantes mpl ; (=person) participante mf

    the first correct entry pulled from our postbag on January 24 — la primera carta con la respuesta correcta que se saque de nuestra saca de correo el día 24 de enero

    entries must be submitted by 29 March — las cartas/los cuentos/los diseños etc deben llegar antes del 29 de marzo


    entry coupon N (for competition) cupón m de participación

    entry fee Ncuota f de inscripción

    entry form Nformulario m de inscripción, impreso m de inscripción

    entry permit Npermiso m de entrada

    entry phone Nportero m automático

    entry qualifications, entry requirements NPLrequisitos mpl de entrada

    entry visa Nvisado m de entrada

    entry word N(US) (in reference book) entrada f

    * * *
    1) u (coming, going in) entrada f

    entry INTO somethingentrada en or (esp AmL) a algo

    2) u ( access) entrada f, acceso m

    no entry — ( on door) prohibida la entrada; ( on road sign) prohibido el paso

    to refuse somebody entry — negarle* la entrada or la admisión a alguien

    3) c u
    a) ( in accounts) entrada f, asiento m
    b) ( in diary) anotación f, entrada f
    c) ( in dictionary - headword) entrada f; ( in encyclopedia - article) artículo m
    4) c ( in contest) ( person entered) participante mf; ( thing entered)
    5) c (door, gate) (AmE) entrada f

    English-spanish dictionary > entry

  • 2 entry

    plural - entries; noun
    1) ((an) act of coming in or going in: They were silenced by the entry of the headmaster.) indtræden
    2) (the right to enter: We can't go in - the sign says `No Entry'.) adgang
    3) (place of entrance, especially a passage or small entrance hall: Don't bring your bike in here - leave it in the entry.) indgang
    4) (a person or thing entered for a competition etc: There are forty-five entries for the painting competition.) deltager; tilmeldt
    5) (something written in a list in a book etc: Some of the entries in the cash-book are inaccurate.) postering; indføring
    * * *
    plural - entries; noun
    1) ((an) act of coming in or going in: They were silenced by the entry of the headmaster.) indtræden
    2) (the right to enter: We can't go in - the sign says `No Entry'.) adgang
    3) (place of entrance, especially a passage or small entrance hall: Don't bring your bike in here - leave it in the entry.) indgang
    4) (a person or thing entered for a competition etc: There are forty-five entries for the painting competition.) deltager; tilmeldt
    5) (something written in a list in a book etc: Some of the entries in the cash-book are inaccurate.) postering; indføring

    English-Danish dictionary > entry

  • 3 entry

    1) Eintritt, der ( into in + Akk.); (of troops) Einzug, der; (into organization) Beitritt, der ( into zu); (into country) Einreise, die; (ceremonial entrance) [feierlicher] Einzug

    gain entry to the houseins Haus gelangen

    ‘no entry’ — (for people) "Zutritt verboten"; (for vehicle) "Einfahrt verboten"

    a ‘no entry’ signein Schild mit der Aufschrift "Zutritt/Einfahrt verboten"

    2) (on to stage) Auftritt, der
    3) (way in) Eingang, der; (for vehicle) Einfahrt, die
    4) (registration, item registered) Eintragung, die (in, into in + Akk. od. Dat.); (in dictionary, encyclopaedia, yearbook, index) Eintrag, der
    5) (person or thing in competition) Nennung, die; (set of answers etc.) Lösung, die
    * * *
    plural - entries; noun
    1) ((an) act of coming in or going in: They were silenced by the entry of the headmaster.) der Eintritt
    2) (the right to enter: We can't go in - the sign says `No Entry'.) der Zutritt
    3) (place of entrance, especially a passage or small entrance hall: Don't bring your bike in here - leave it in the entry.) der Eingang
    4) (a person or thing entered for a competition etc: There are forty-five entries for the painting competition.) die Anmeldung
    5) (something written in a list in a book etc: Some of the entries in the cash-book are inaccurate.) die Eintragung
    * * *
    1. (act of entering) Eintritt m; (by car) Einfahrt f; (into a country) Einreise f; (into an organization or activity) Aufnahme f, Beitritt m; THEAT Auftritt m
    “no \entry” „Zutritt verboten“
    forcible \entry gewaltsames Eindringen
    2. (entrance) Eingang m; (to car park etc.) Einfahrt f
    3. (right of membership) Zugang m, Zutritt m ( into zu + dat)
    4. (recorded item) Eintrag m, Eintragung f; (in dictionary) Eintrag m
    5. COMPUT Eingabe f
    6. (submitted item for competition) Einsendung f; (submitted solution) Lösung f; (number) Teilnehmerzahl f
    the winning \entry der Beitrag, der/die Einsendung, die gewonnen hat
    7. LAW of land Inbesitznahme f, Besitzergreifung f
    8. (in bookkeeping)
    credit \entry Gutschrift f, Habenbuchung f
    debit \entry Lastschrift f, Sollbuchung f
    contra \entry Gegenbuchung f
    to contra an \entry einen Eintrag zurückbuchen
    9. LAW
    \entry of appearance schriftliche Anzeige der Verteidigungsbereitschaft
    \entry of judgment Eintragung f des Urteils
    * * *
    1) (into in +acc) (= coming or going in) Eintritt m; (by car etc) Einfahrt f; (into country) Einreise f; (into club, school etc) Aufnahme f; (THEAT) Auftritt m

    point of entry (of bullet etc)Einschussstelle f; (of inlet pipe etc) Anschlussstelle f

    to make an/one's entry — auftreten

    "no entry" (on door etc) — "Zutritt verboten"; (on one-way street) "keine Einfahrt"

    2) (= way in) Eingang m; (for vehicles) Einfahrt f

    the dictionary has 30,000 entries — das Wörterbuch enthält 30.000 Stichwörter

    * * *
    entry [ˈentrı] s
    1. academic.ru/24556/entrance">entrance1 1:
    entry (into the water) (Wasserspringen) Eintauchen n
    2. Einreise f, Zuzug m:
    entry permit Einreiseerlaubnis f;
    entry and residence permit Zuzugsgenehmigung f;
    entry visa Einreisevisum n
    3. entrance1 6
    4. Einfall(en) m(n) (in ein Land), Eindringen n, JUR Einbruch m
    5. entry (up)on office Amtsantritt m
    6. Beitritt m ( into zu):
    Britain’s entry into the Common Market
    7. Einlass m, Zutritt m:
    gain ( oder obtain) entry Einlass finden;
    force an entry into, make a forcible entry into gewaltsam eindringen in (akk), sich gewaltsam Zugang oder Zutritt verschaffen zu;
    “no entry” „Zutritt verboten!“, AUTO „keine Einfahrt!“
    8. a) Zu-, Eingang(stür) m(f), Einfahrt(stor) f(n)
    b) Flur m, (Eingangs-, Vor)Halle f
    9. a) Eintrag(ung) m(f), Vormerkung f:
    entry in a diary Tagebucheintrag(ung)
    b) auch entry word Stichwort n (im Lexikon)
    c) (von Daten) Eingabe f
    10. WIRTSCH
    a) Eintragung f, Buchung f:
    make an entry of sth etwas (ver)buchen oder eintragen
    b) (gebuchter) Posten
    11. WIRTSCH Eingang m (von Geldern etc):
    (up)on entry nach Eingang
    12. WIRTSCH, SCHIFF Einklarierung f, Zolldeklaration f:
    entry inwards (outwards) Einfuhr-(Ausfuhr)deklaration
    13. Bergbau: Fahr-, Hauptförderstrecke f
    14. JUR Besitzantritt m, -ergreifung f ( beide:
    upon gen)
    15. GEOG (Fluss)Mündung f
    16. SPORT
    a) Nennung f, Meldung f:
    entry fee Startgeld n;
    entry form allg Teilnahmeschein m
    b) entrant 4
    c) koll Teilnehmer(zahl) pl(f) (auch allg eines Wettbewerbs):
    a good ( oder large) entry viele Nennungen oder Meldungen
    17. a) Beitrag m (zu einem Filmfestival etc)
    b) Lösung f (eines Preisausschreibens):
    “(have your) entries in by …” „Einsendeschluss …“
    * * *
    1) Eintritt, der ( into in + Akk.); (of troops) Einzug, der; (into organization) Beitritt, der ( into zu); (into country) Einreise, die; (ceremonial entrance) [feierlicher] Einzug

    ‘no entry’ — (for people) "Zutritt verboten"; (for vehicle) "Einfahrt verboten"

    a ‘no entry’ sign — ein Schild mit der Aufschrift "Zutritt/Einfahrt verboten"

    2) (on to stage) Auftritt, der
    3) (way in) Eingang, der; (for vehicle) Einfahrt, die
    4) (registration, item registered) Eintragung, die (in, into in + Akk. od. Dat.); (in dictionary, encyclopaedia, yearbook, index) Eintrag, der
    5) (person or thing in competition) Nennung, die; (set of answers etc.) Lösung, die
    * * *
    (Computers) n.
    Eingabe -n f. n.
    Anfang -ë m.
    Einfahrt -en f.
    Eingang -¨e m.
    Einmarsch m.
    Eintrag -ë (Mathematik) m.
    Eintrag -ë m.
    Eintragung f.
    Eintritt -e m.
    Einzug -¨e m.

    English-german dictionary > entry

  • 4 Anmeldung

    1. behördlich: registration; (Ankündigung) announcement; (Reservierung) booking; (Einschreibung) enrol(l)ment; (Eintritt) entry; Zoll: declaration; nach vorheriger Anmeldung Sprechstunde: by appointment (only); anmelden
    2. (Empfangsbüro, -stelle) reception (desk), registration
    * * *
    die Anmeldung
    (Beitritt) enrolment; enrollment;
    (Rezeption) reception;
    (amtliche Meldung) registration
    * * *
    1) (von Besuch) announcement; (im Hotel) booking; (an Schule, zu Kurs etc) enrolment (Brit), enrollment (US) (
    an +dat at, zu for); (bei Polizei) registration; (beim Arzt etc) making an appointment
    2) (von Patent) application (
    von, +gen for); (von Auto) registration; (von Fernseher) licensing
    3) (= Anmelderaum) reception
    * * *
    (a person or thing entered for a competition etc: There are forty-five entries for the painting competition.) entry
    * * *
    <-, -en>
    1. (vorherige Ankündigung) [advance] notice [of a visit]
    ohne \Anmeldung without an appointment
    2. SCH (vorherige Meldung) enrolment BRIT, enrollment AM
    3. (Registrierung) registration
    die \Anmeldung eines Fernsehers/Radios the licensing of [or to license] a television/radio
    4. MED (Anmelderaum) reception
    5. FIN
    \Anmeldung einer Konkursanforderung proof of a debt
    * * *
    1) (zur Teilnahme) enrolment
    2) s. anmelden 2): licensing; registration
    3) (Ankündigung) announcement; (beim Arzt, Anwalt usw.) making an appointment
    * * *
    1. behördlich: registration; (Ankündigung) announcement; (Reservierung) booking; (Einschreibung) enrol(l)ment; (Eintritt) entry; Zoll: declaration;
    nach vorheriger Anmeldung Sprechstunde: by appointment (only); anmelden
    2. (Empfangsbüro, -stelle) reception (desk), registration
    * * *
    1) (zur Teilnahme) enrolment
    2) s. anmelden 2): licensing; registration
    3) (Ankündigung) announcement; (beim Arzt, Anwalt usw.) making an appointment
    * * *
    announcement n.
    application n.
    declaration n.
    reception desk (hotel, airport) n.
    reception office n.
    registration (desk) n.
    registration n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Anmeldung

  • 5 entry

    plural - entries; noun
    1) ((an) act of coming in or going in: They were silenced by the entry of the headmaster.)
    2) (the right to enter: We can't go in - the sign says `No Entry'.)
    3) (place of entrance, especially a passage or small entrance hall: Don't bring your bike in here - leave it in the entry.)
    4) (a person or thing entered for a competition etc: There are forty-five entries for the painting competition.)
    5) (something written in a list in a book etc: Some of the entries in the cash-book are inaccurate.)
    subst. \/ˈentrɪ\/
    1) det å gå inn, det å komme inn, inntreden, inntog, innmarsj
    2) dør, port, forhall, inngangsparti
    3) adgang, tillatelse til å gå inn, tillatelse til å komme inn
    4) ( i konkurranse) det å delta, deltakelse, påmelding
    5) (i dagbok, kassabok e.l.) innføring, postering, notis
    6) ( i ordbok e.l.) oppslagsord, stikkord, artikkel
    7) tollangivelse, tolldeklarasjon
    8) ( jus) overtakelse, tiltredelse
    bill of entry tolldeklarasjon
    bookkeeping by double entry dobbel bokføring, dobbelt bokholderi
    bookkeeping by single entry enkel bokføring
    entries close... påmeldingsfristen går ut...
    påmeldingsfristen går ut 19. mai
    entry of\/on ( jus) overtakelse av, tiltredelse av
    forcible entry innbrudd, ta noe utrettmessig i besittelse gjennom makt (jus)
    main entry hovedartikkel
    make an entry of føre\/skrive inn, bokføre
    make one's entry gjøre sin entré holde sitt inntog
    No Entry adgang forbudt! ( samferdsel) innkjørsel forbudt
    a wrong entry ( regnskap) en feilaktig postering

    English-Norwegian dictionary > entry

  • 6 entry

    plural - entries; noun
    1) ((an) act of coming in or going in: They were silenced by the entry of the headmaster.) innganga
    2) (the right to enter: We can't go in - the sign says `No Entry'.) aðgangur
    3) (place of entrance, especially a passage or small entrance hall: Don't bring your bike in here - leave it in the entry.) inngangur
    4) (a person or thing entered for a competition etc: There are forty-five entries for the painting competition.) skráður þátttakandi; skráning
    5) (something written in a list in a book etc: Some of the entries in the cash-book are inaccurate.) færsla

    English-Icelandic dictionary > entry

  • 7 entry

    benevezés, szótári címszó, bejegyzés, bevonulás
    * * *
    plural - entries; noun
    1) ((an) act of coming in or going in: They were silenced by the entry of the headmaster.) belépés
    2) (the right to enter: We can't go in - the sign says `No Entry'.) belépni tilos
    3) (place of entrance, especially a passage or small entrance hall: Don't bring your bike in here - leave it in the entry.) bejárat
    4) (a person or thing entered for a competition etc: There are forty-five entries for the painting competition.) (be)nevezés
    5) (something written in a list in a book etc: Some of the entries in the cash-book are inaccurate.) bejegyzés; bevitel (adaté)

    English-Hungarian dictionary > entry

  • 8 entry

    plural - entries; noun
    1) ((an) act of coming in or going in: They were silenced by the entry of the headmaster.) entrada
    2) (the right to enter: We can't go in - the sign says `No Entry'.) entrada
    3) (place of entrance, especially a passage or small entrance hall: Don't bring your bike in here - leave it in the entry.) entrada
    4) (a person or thing entered for a competition etc: There are forty-five entries for the painting competition.) inscrição
    5) (something written in a list in a book etc: Some of the entries in the cash-book are inaccurate.) registo
    * * *
    ['entri] n 1 entrada, ingresso. entry form / ficha de registro. 2 portal, pórtico, saguão, vestíbulo, porta. 3 Com escrituração, anotação, apontamento, lançamento, registro. to make the entry of the sum / lançar a soma (ao crédito ou débito). bookkeeping by single entry, by double entry / escrituração por partida simples, por partidas dobradas. 4 Sport inscrição na lista de competidores. 5 Jur posse efetiva de bens imóveis. 6 declaração alfandegária. 7 importação. 8 verbete (dicionário). entry into office posse em um cargo. upon entry logo após o recebimento (correio, etc.).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > entry

  • 9 entry

    n. giriş, antre, girme, kalem, kapı, sahneye çıkma, katılma, girdi, madde, kayıt
    * * *
    * * *
    plural - entries; noun
    1) ((an) act of coming in or going in: They were silenced by the entry of the headmaster.) giriş
    2) (the right to enter: We can't go in - the sign says `No Entry'.) giriş hakkı
    3) (place of entrance, especially a passage or small entrance hall: Don't bring your bike in here - leave it in the entry.) antre, giriş
    4) (a person or thing entered for a competition etc: There are forty-five entries for the painting competition.) kayıt, katılım
    5) (something written in a list in a book etc: Some of the entries in the cash-book are inaccurate.) madde, kayıt

    English-Turkish dictionary > entry

  • 10 entry

    plural - entries; noun
    1) ((an) act of coming in or going in: They were silenced by the entry of the headmaster.)
    2) (the right to enter: We can't go in - the sign says `No Entry'.)
    3) (place of entrance, especially a passage or small entrance hall: Don't bring your bike in here - leave it in the entry.)
    4) (a person or thing entered for a competition etc: There are forty-five entries for the painting competition.)
    5) (something written in a list in a book etc: Some of the entries in the cash-book are inaccurate.)
    * * *
    prihod, vstop, vhod; ustje; vpis, vknjižba, protokol, prijava; začetek; carinska deklaracija
    to make an entry — (v)knjižiti, (za)beležiti
    no entry!zaprto!

    English-Slovenian dictionary > entry

  • 11 entry

    • osanotto
    • osanottaja
    • saapuminen
    • tilierä
    automatic data processing
    • tulokohta (ATK)
    • tilitapahtuma
    • tulokohta
    • tulo
    • tulokohta(tietotekn)
    • ilmoitus
    • ilmoittautuminen
    • vienti(kirjanpidossa)
    finance, business, economy
    • vienti
    • vienti (kirjanp.)
    • aula
    • erä
    • sisääntulo
    • sisäänkäynti
    • sisäänkäytävä
    • sisäänmeno
    • sisäänpääsy
    automatic data processing
    • valikon kohta
    • päiväkirjamerkintä
    • pääsy
    • kirjaus
    • kirjanpitomerkintä
    • kohta
    • kirjanpitovienti
    • kirjaanvienti
    • kirjoihinvienti
    • kirjaaminen
    • hakusana
    • hakemiston kohta
    automatic data processing
    • merkintä (ATK)
    • merkintä
    • merkintä(tietotekn)
    • merkintö
    • mukaantulo
    automatic data processing
    • syöte
    automatic data processing
    • syöttäminen(tiedon)
    automatic data processing
    • syöttö
    • luettelon kohta
    • luettelotieto
    * * *
    plural - entries; noun
    1) ((an) act of coming in or going in: They were silenced by the entry of the headmaster.) sisääntulo, liittyminen
    2) (the right to enter: We can't go in - the sign says `No Entry'.) sisäänpääsy
    3) (place of entrance, especially a passage or small entrance hall: Don't bring your bike in here - leave it in the entry.) sisäänkäynti, eteinen
    4) (a person or thing entered for a competition etc: There are forty-five entries for the painting competition.) ilmoittautunut
    5) (something written in a list in a book etc: Some of the entries in the cash-book are inaccurate.) merkintä

    English-Finnish dictionary > entry

  • 12 entry

    1) (act of entering, door) entrata f., ingresso m.

    to gain entry to o into riuscire a entrare in [ building]; accedere a [ computer file]; to force entry to o into — introdursi a forza in

    2) (admission) (to club, university, country) ammissione f.

    "no entry" — (on door) "vietato l'ingresso"; (in one way street) "divieto d'accesso"

    3) (recorded item) (in dictionary) entrata f., lemma m., voce f.; (in encyclopedia) voce f.; (of ship's log) entrata f.; (in register) registrazione f.; (in ledger, accounts book) scrittura f.

    to make an entry in one's diary — annotare qcs. sulla propria agenda

    4) (for competition) opera f. presentata; (for song contest) pezzo m., brano m., canzone f.

    send your entry to... — inviate la vostra risposta a

    * * *
    plural - entries; noun
    1) ((an) act of coming in or going in: They were silenced by the entry of the headmaster.) entrata, ingresso
    2) (the right to enter: We can't go in - the sign says `No Entry'.) ingresso, accesso
    3) (place of entrance, especially a passage or small entrance hall: Don't bring your bike in here - leave it in the entry.) entrata
    4) (a person or thing entered for a competition etc: There are forty-five entries for the painting competition.) iscritto
    5) (something written in a list in a book etc: Some of the entries in the cash-book are inaccurate.) voce
    * * *
    1) (act of entering, door) entrata f., ingresso m.

    to gain entry to o into riuscire a entrare in [ building]; accedere a [ computer file]; to force entry to o into — introdursi a forza in

    2) (admission) (to club, university, country) ammissione f.

    "no entry" — (on door) "vietato l'ingresso"; (in one way street) "divieto d'accesso"

    3) (recorded item) (in dictionary) entrata f., lemma m., voce f.; (in encyclopedia) voce f.; (of ship's log) entrata f.; (in register) registrazione f.; (in ledger, accounts book) scrittura f.

    to make an entry in one's diary — annotare qcs. sulla propria agenda

    4) (for competition) opera f. presentata; (for song contest) pezzo m., brano m., canzone f.

    send your entry to... — inviate la vostra risposta a

    English-Italian dictionary > entry

  • 13 entry

    (way in, arrival) wejście nt; ( in competition) (story, drawing) praca f (konkursowa); ( taking part) udział m; (in register, account book) pozycja f, zapis m; ( in reference book) hasło nt; ( to country) wjazd m

    "no entry" — "zakaz wstępu" ( AUT) "zakaz wjazdu"

    single/double entry book-keeping — księgowanie pojedyncze/podwójne

    * * *
    plural - entries; noun
    1) ((an) act of coming in or going in: They were silenced by the entry of the headmaster.) wejście
    2) (the right to enter: We can't go in - the sign says `No Entry'.) wstęp
    3) (place of entrance, especially a passage or small entrance hall: Don't bring your bike in here - leave it in the entry.) wejście, sień
    4) (a person or thing entered for a competition etc: There are forty-five entries for the painting competition.) uczestnik
    5) (something written in a list in a book etc: Some of the entries in the cash-book are inaccurate.) zapis, hasło

    English-Polish dictionary > entry

  • 14 entry

    plural - entries; noun
    1) ((an) act of coming in or going in: They were silenced by the entry of the headmaster.)
    2) (the right to enter: We can't go in - the sign says `No Entry'.)
    3) (place of entrance, especially a passage or small entrance hall: Don't bring your bike in here - leave it in the entry.)
    4) (a person or thing entered for a competition etc: There are forty-five entries for the painting competition.)
    5) (something written in a list in a book etc: Some of the entries in the cash-book are inaccurate.)
    * * *
    iebraukšana, ieiešana; durvis, vārti; iestāšanās; grīva; iegrāmatojums, ieraksts; pieteikums; sākums; šķirklis; deklarācija

    English-Latvian dictionary > entry

  • 15 entry

    plural - entries; noun
    1) ((an) act of coming in or going in: They were silenced by the entry of the headmaster.) įėjimas, įstojimas
    2) (the right to enter: We can't go in - the sign says `No Entry'.) įėjimas
    3) (place of entrance, especially a passage or small entrance hall: Don't bring your bike in here - leave it in the entry.) prieškambaris, vestibiulis
    4) (a person or thing entered for a competition etc: There are forty-five entries for the painting competition.) dalyvis
    5) (something written in a list in a book etc: Some of the entries in the cash-book are inaccurate.) įrašas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > entry

  • 16 entry

    n. ingång; rubrik; inskrivning
    * * *
    plural - entries; noun
    1) ((an) act of coming in or going in: They were silenced by the entry of the headmaster.)
    2) (the right to enter: We can't go in - the sign says `No Entry'.)
    3) (place of entrance, especially a passage or small entrance hall: Don't bring your bike in here - leave it in the entry.)
    4) (a person or thing entered for a competition etc: There are forty-five entries for the painting competition.)
    5) (something written in a list in a book etc: Some of the entries in the cash-book are inaccurate.)

    English-Swedish dictionary > entry

  • 17 entry

    plural - entries; noun
    1) ((an) act of coming in or going in: They were silenced by the entry of the headmaster.) vstup
    2) (the right to enter: We can't go in - the sign says `No Entry'.) vstup
    3) (place of entrance, especially a passage or small entrance hall: Don't bring your bike in here - leave it in the entry.) vchod
    4) (a person or thing entered for a competition etc: There are forty-five entries for the painting competition.) přihlášený; uchazeč, -ka
    5) (something written in a list in a book etc: Some of the entries in the cash-book are inaccurate.) zápis
    * * *
    • vstup
    • záznam
    • nástup

    English-Czech dictionary > entry

  • 18 entry

    plural - entries; noun
    1) ((an) act of coming in or going in: They were silenced by the entry of the headmaster.)
    2) (the right to enter: We can't go in - the sign says `No Entry'.)
    3) (place of entrance, especially a passage or small entrance hall: Don't bring your bike in here - leave it in the entry.)
    4) (a person or thing entered for a competition etc: There are forty-five entries for the painting competition.)
    5) (something written in a list in a book etc: Some of the entries in the cash-book are inaccurate.)
    * * *
    • vstupný bod
    • vstup
    • vchod
    • zápis
    • záznam
    • údaj
    • položka

    English-Slovak dictionary > entry

  • 19 entry

    plural - entries; noun
    1) ((an) act of coming in or going in: They were silenced by the entry of the headmaster.) intrare
    2) (the right to enter: We can't go in - the sign says `No Entry'.) acces
    3) (place of entrance, especially a passage or small entrance hall: Don't bring your bike in here - leave it in the entry.) intrare, vestibul
    4) (a person or thing entered for a competition etc: There are forty-five entries for the painting competition.) concurent
    5) (something written in a list in a book etc: Some of the entries in the cash-book are inaccurate.) articol; intrare

    English-Romanian dictionary > entry

  • 20 entry

    plural - entries; noun
    1) ((an) act of coming in or going in: They were silenced by the entry of the headmaster.) είσοδος
    2) (the right to enter: We can't go in - the sign says `No Entry'.) δικαίωμα εισόδου
    3) (place of entrance, especially a passage or small entrance hall: Don't bring your bike in here - leave it in the entry.) είσοδος
    4) (a person or thing entered for a competition etc: There are forty-five entries for the painting competition.) διαγωνιζόμενος/δήλωση συμμετοχής
    5) (something written in a list in a book etc: Some of the entries in the cash-book are inaccurate.) εγγραφή,καταχώρηση

    English-Greek dictionary > entry

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Francis Albert Sinatra Does His Thing — Infobox music DVD Name = Francis Albert Sinatra Does His Thing Type = DVD Artist = Frank Sinatra Background = orange Released = 2002 Genre = Jazz Vocal Length = 50:00 Recorded = 1968 Label = Warner Bros. Records Producer = Reviews = Last DVD =… …   Wikipedia

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  • performing arts — arts or skills that require public performance, as acting, singing, or dancing. [1945 50] * * * ▪ 2009 Introduction Music Classical.       The last vestiges of the Cold War seemed to thaw for a moment on Feb. 26, 2008, when the unfamiliar strains …   Universalium

  • item — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. piece, detail, particular; entry, article; term, paragraph, part. See information, unity. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. detail, particular, piece, article, matter, object; see also article 2 , 3 , detail 1 …   English dictionary for students

  • item — [īt′əm] adv. [ME < L < ita, so, thus] also: used before each article in a series being enumerated n. 1. [Archaic or Dial.] an admonition; hint 2. an article; unit; separate thing; particular; entry in an account 3. a bit of news or… …   English World dictionary

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